by Ken Hickson
Extract from
Chapter 12 Leadership and Governance
In John O’Brien’s Stories from 2030
Ken Hickson’s story from 2030 considers that global, as opposed to board, governance has been transformed by 2030 . This fits with his 2100 vision that saw things go a step further into a range of specialist areas of activity . For 2030, he sees ‘one global body above all others is led by and guided by true leaders, who know how to achieve success by working together. The best of business. The best of government.’ This delivers ‘True global governance. Ready to tackle — or prevent — wars, pandemics, cyberattacks and climate change.’
Ken is a journalist by training, working in newspapers, magazines, radio and television in New Zealand, before he succumbed to the wider world of communications, including public relations for airlines and a host of businesses throughout the Asia Pacific. Ken authored The ABC of Carbon )2009) and has lived in Singapore for many years .
The concepts of leadership and governance come together in Ken’s story and would provide the basis for a very different world.
Global Collaboration
Sitting here in 2030, we found that the only way to go forward was collaboratively. In every way. That even sometimes meant that we had to adopt the title of the book Sleeping with the enemy: Achieving Collaborative Success by Charles Lines.
We are now close to achieving the ultimate in collaboration. We are doing away with all the silos within business organisations, in governments and in society.
We are rising above all the different Ministries and Departments. We are going beyond national governments and even the proliferation of UN agencies and NGOs.
So what we have in 2030 is the ultimate global collaborative organisation or corporation.
Launched in 2028, one global body above all others is led by and guided by true leaders, who know how to achieve success by working together. The best of business. The best of government.
In 2030, we have the most collaborative management system that the world has ever seen. True global governance. Ready to tackle — or prevent — wars, pandemics, cyberattacks and climate change.
Because its working together for the good of all. Not unlike the way countries and companies have managed to do in Space Exploration. Look at US and Russia working together at the Space Station. Look at China and the European Space agency working together on space missions.
It hasn’t stopped enterprise and innovation. It’s showing that we can make genuine progress by collaborating. Now we’re doing this on Earth, as well as in Space.
But we must remain transparent. We have to manage everything along ESG lines. Sustainability goes with collaboration. Enterprise goes with cooperation. Innovation goes with communication.
Media is taking the lead — both mainstream and social media. Local, regional and global.
What is the name for this new big global body that brings the world together in a fashion unseen before?
It’s the Global Alliance for Planet Earth or GAPE
In English, the word “gape” means to be, or become, wide open. Through GAPE the world has become open and transparent. GAPE rules.
And who’s in charge as we start on the decade of the 2030s? The world’s most successful entrepreneurs and philanthropists along with global finance experts, economists and international development professionals. With them is a Board of Directors, made up of 30 leaders. Elected and/or nominated by industry groups, multinational business, governments, media, NGOs and UN agencies.
Then there’s a 30-person Council of Advisors, including Nobel Prize winners in science, literature and peace.
Finally, there’s genuine leadership for the world. Not by countries or companies competing against one another, but through collaborative enterprise.
GAPE rules the world. And everyone is happy. At long last. For good.
Ken’s Visions 2100 contribution titled New World Order was a story about how global governance became greatly improved by 2100 through ‘the effective “privatisation” of the United Nations and all its agencies, merged in with private sector and non-government organisations.’
For more about John O’Brien’s two Visionary books – and to purchase then – go to: